Friday, December 9, 2011

Probiotics for children

Probiotics for kids
 Every mom having a kid has experienced the problem of acute diarrhoea in children which they wish that it is cured without antibiotics. And through generations we have been sharing some formulas that work as cure to disease and also improve the immunity of the kid. These formulas work as food which are enriched with some microorganism or useful bacteria.
Probiotic food are some such food which help to cure diarrhoea and reduce the harmful effects of use of antibiotics. Bacteria such as  Lactobacillus acidophilus, Bifidobacterium, and Saccharomyces  etc work for human health system when taken as food or drink. A very common example is Lactobacillus acidophilus which help milk to curdle and we all know the benefits of curd or fermented milk.

How good bacteria in probiotic food work

The probiotics or good bacteria that we take with our food like curd or pickles do not live in the intestine. They get flushed out everyday. But other bacterias in our intestine walls are huge in number and they live there and they all serve different purposes and they also have different nutirtional requirements. So by adding the probiotics to our diet we caan ensure that the specific bacterias are provided nutrients. This also increase the chance of the specfic bacteria of growing and increasing their colony.

One example will make it easy to understand how the probiotics work. Fructooligosaccharides known as FOS is a known prebiotic. The FOS is made of fructose sugar molecules linked together in long chains. These prebiotics can be found in onions,leeks, some grains and in honey. So in this way we consume food that contains that contains prebiotic and we get probiotics in our diet.

When babies born they do not have any bacteria in their intestines. But their intestines are colonized by bacteria as soon as they born. babies born through a normal vaginal delivery contains more useful bacteria in their intestine and and also babies which are breast feed as soon as their birth also contain more useful bacteria in their intenstines. Mother's milk contains probiotics so it is believed that breast feeding help promoting growth of good bacteria. This is why it is tried by scientists to add probiotics in infant milk formula.

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