Tuesday, August 23, 2011

How to look best after child-birth?

How to look your best after childbirth?

  You looked stunning before you have conceived and you liked to bask in compliments you receive from your husband and friends. You have managed to look great during pregnancy  even with those extra kilos. Now you think that the bundle of joy that your baby has arrived and you are enjoying it growing up very fast. But you are not getting back to your pre-pregnancy  shape. You feel that your husband is now more busy playing with the baby. You somehow feel side-lined in terms of attention. So ???

Acually if your have not shed the extra weight that you have put on during pregnancy it is great for you. hard to believe? But true. reasons,

  • Firstly and most importantly, you are breastfeeding your baby. And you are the sole provider of all the nutrients that the baby requires. So a healthy and a slightly over-weight mom would be much better than and waif-like attractive mom for the baby.
  • When you are slightly overweight it means that you are eating well. Studies show that women eats well mostly during while they are pregnant. So continue eating well after childbirth too at least until you baby starts taking solid food.
  • A healthy mother can handle the baby with more ease that those who are not. If you lose your pregnancy weight very fast you will remain fastidious and irritated all the time, and feel easily exhausted during loads of extra chores that come along with the arrival of the baby.

Trust me these are some reasons that will make you feel happier and confident. You will enjoy your time with the new born more. And when time comes you will be ready to shed those extra kilos.

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