Thursday, November 17, 2011

What is Triple Marker test?

      The moment my Gynaecologist suggested a Triple marker test I was quite confused. All I knew about this test is that it is done to detect Down's syndrome in the foetus. What kind of test it is. Is it something optional or mandatory in nature. Why me?? Because my first pregnancy went quite smoothly and I was just 30 while conceiving for the second time. Then?

This actually pushed me to some serious Internet search. My findings were shocking because Triple marker test is suggested to would be moms who are above 35 and who has a family history of Down's syndrome or other neural tube defects. I was on the verge of a total break down...

Like many I too opted for the test. And as city labs were not equipped to examine the findings of a Triple marker test it took a complete one week to get the reports from a Mumbai lab. And you can imagine my ordeal in this longest week of my life. 

What is a triple marker test and why it is suggested?

As I am telling you triple marker test is a test to find out whether the foetus is suffering from Down's syndrome. Women getting pregnant at an age above 35 or more have higher risk of delivering a baby with Down's syndrome. And if the parents of the baby has a family history of Down's syndrome are suggested the triple marker test to save them from the risk.

When the triple marker test done

Triple marker test  is done between 15th to 20th weeks of pregnancy. Triple marker test is also known as Multiple marker test or triple screen test or quad screen. Depending upon the number of elements measured in the test the name is given to it. Sometimes it is also done with ultrasound in the first trimester.

Triple marker test requires a sample of blod of the pregnant mother.
The points that are checked in a triple/multiple marker test are

  1. Human chorionic gonadotropin(HCG), which is made by the placenta
  2. Estriol that is made by the placenta and the fetus
  3. Alpha-fetoprotein (AFP), which is made by the fetus
  4. Sometimes the level of inhibin-A.

These tests help doctors to find out whether the foetus has any chromosomal  abnormalities like Down syndrome or any  neural tube defects like spina bifida. While determining the results doctors have to keep in mind some factors which are very important.

These factors which deternine the result of the triple marker test are

  1.  Gestational age of the foetus,
  2. Mother's age and health and weight.
  3. Whether she is diabetic,
  4. Whether the mother has delivered twins or other multiple babies.                                                                           
All these factors are weighed carefully while determining the result of the test.  So my suggestion is that please don't overtly worried about the test.

Indications in Triple marker test

Generally if the triple marker shows higher AFP it points to possible risk of spina bifida or any other neural tube defect. And lower level of AFP along with Estriol  and higher level of HCG and inhibin-A suggest Down's syndrome. Doctors will then do an ultrasound of fetal skull and  spine to detect any abnormality as well as the actual age of the foetus. Whether the mom is carrying a multiple pregnancy is also a factor to be determined. But actually and unfortunately ultrasound is the not the right test to check Down's syndrome because it is not adequate. If any abnormality or indication found about Down's syndrome doctors may suggest an amniocentesis  test. Here, pregnant mother is offered an amniocentesis by which chromosome on the fetal cells found in the aminiotic acid  are tested.

Everyone does not like to go for this test, because this test involves some risks too.

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