Sunday, August 8, 2010

A world of me

My family is my world. But(see but comes inevitably). Can I exist only because of my family. Sometimes I come to this doldrum. I say why not, I am here only because my parents have bought me up in this way. And now I exist for my immediate family which revolves around my kids and husband. My life gets topsy turvy when there is problem at my parental home. Not to mention about my immediate home.

But do only family life gives me the satisfaction of being a human being? I am not sure. If I live in an isolated way, away from societ, away from any kind of work that relates me to the society then is my life a meaningful one?

But today, at some point of time I feel that today people almost live like that. My bro recently was in Mumbai for a training. He and his student friends were provided a bus service to go to office everyday. He was so astonished to see that though the bus was full of employees from the same organisation, i one whole month he could not detect any older employer exchanging a single word among each other.

But leave metros aside. Even small town-people are so awkwardly buzy shaping their childrens' future that social life is gradually dissapearing. Youngstars like to be on facebook, update their status every minute, exchange smilies follow filmstars, but , sigh, hardly finds time to sit beside their grandparents or parents to share a small talk.

Apparently everyone busy in a world-of-myself!

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