Thursday, August 5, 2010


Whenever we buy some lifestyle gadget we give our 100% thought into it, planning what model to choose, budget, which shop will offer the best price , Features of that particular gadget etc. But as soon as we our hands in we just get smeared in its high-end features. The thought keeping the gadget in its best performance stage seldom comes to mind.

Two years back I have bought one digital camera, it was a Samsung , I can't even remember thee model name now. Because it was an episode that I tried to push to oblivion. First time it travelled along with a friend from whose hand it accidentally kissed the dust ( sand actually) in the beach of Port Blair Isnads. Anyway it happened within the warranty period and got repaired.

You won't believe it the next time it was my hubby dear himself who performed the same stunt by loosing his fingers in the same sun-stroked beach of Havelock (in Port Blair Islands)!

And this time the damage was beyond repair.

And you know why it happened. Because both me and my hubby was reluctant to buy a very good carry-case costing 500 hundred bucks! And the price we paid in a different way.

So I would sugggest that If you can spend 10,000 bucks on a digicam why go to backfoot when it comes to spend just a few hundreds on a carry-case!!

There are more examples of my own experiences when life and gadgets have taught me in a dear way.

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